Hamlyn Symposium


"There is huge potential for our technological ingenuity to deliver better healthcare both in the UK and globally," Dr. Hutan Ashrafian writes in the Conversation.

That's why Imperial College London's Global Surgery Forum held in London last week brought together surgeons from around the world to discuss, among other things, the use of artificial intelligence in surgery.

Here's a look at some of the highlights from the forum, which was moderated by Dr. Ana L Cruz Ruiz of the Hamlyn Center, a center that's a "center of excellence" in the field of global health, per a press release: Dr. Barnabas Alayande from Rwanda's University of Global Health Equity Dr. Jenny Dankleman from TU Delft Dr. Peter Culmer from the University of Leeds Dr. Kee Park from Harvard Medical School Dr. Hugh Harvey from Hardian Health Dr. Umang Patel from Microsoft Dr. Susan Thomas from Google Health Dr. Rebecca Hope from Roche Dr. Kee Park from Imperial College London Dr. Hutan Ashrafian from Imperial College London Dr. Barnabas Alayande from Rwanda's University of Global Health Equity Dr. Jenny Dankleman from TU Delft Dr. Barnabas Alayande from Rwanda's University of Global Health Equity Dr. Kee Park from

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